Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Mechanics 101

9am Sunday... 

Some are at church, some are groggily waking up from the night before while others read the paper in bed with tea.  

9am Sunday, we were faced with a car in pieces with only one day to get it all back together before the sun went down. By eleven our handy mechanic had arrived, the coffee had been drunk and it was time for business.  

While the delicas new sound system pumped out an array of different tunes we installed new brake pads and replaced all the bushes. It was a feat that was beyond man and it took over 30 tons of hydraulic pressure to pop those babies out and squeeze the new ones in. Thankfully no swearing was involved this week and the boys were able to change them over without too much of a fuss.  

Rumbling bellies meant it was time for lunch, and after a spat of rain we decided to stop and eat. Thankfully the neighbouring cows didnt realise it was beef pies that we were consuming.

It was then over to popping in drive shafts, replacing differential insulators, winding up the tortion bars, reassembling of the hub, brake rotors and Iron man shocks which filled in the afternoon before the front tires were finally put back on, and the car was whole once again!  

Nics words were "It drives like a dream". We are in business.

Nearly time to get those tyres rolling....

(trying to figure out where to start)

(a quick nap)

(checking out the jack)

(changing the brake pads)

(grease lightning!)

("Drives like a dream")